Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Became a Fan All Over, Again

Last night was the Grammy Special with Katie Couric, she interviewed the nominated artists Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and Lil' Wayne. I enjoyed all the interviews but Lil' Wayne's was the most relevant to me. I saw a different side that didn't know was there. And I knew he was a smart guy but he just proven himself to everyone who saw this. He talked about his career, his father, Syrup, his love for weed, bowling and being a role model to his two children. I'm very excited to see him perform at the Grammy's now. I think he's performing "Tied My Hands", since he mentions Katrina in there. What song do you think he's performing? What song would you like to see him perform?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad he knows HE IS NOT A ROLE MODEL!!!!! I AM A ROLE MODEL!

I just don't like his ass! He kisses men and makes babies like they are toys are something...I don't like his ass!

Yves said...

LOL @ Reggie

Claudia said...

I'd love a Swagger like Us with Yeezy, Jay, and T.I...