Thursday, January 8, 2009

Uh, Thats Going Too Far

Heidi has always been my favorite on "The Hills". I think it's LC who has the problems. Anyways, when I saw her manicure.. I thought it'd be cool to have the logo on one finger(I've seen it before on a lady and it looked cute). But one ALL 5 FINGERS? That's going over board! I bet the SA's from CHANEL were laughing at her! What do you think about her manicure? Is it too much?

BUT. I am curious to know what she purchased at CHANEL. :)


Amanda Allison said...

Ugh, that's just overkill!

Yves said...

Just one more reason why I dont watch shows like that.

Anonymous said...

Gah, it looks terrible. I don't think I'd even like it on one finger. I've seen someone have the typical Louis Vuitton print on their nails, and that looked nice. I do love Chanel though!

Claudia said...

Uhmm.. I don't really know.. It's kinda kitsch..! Mm, yeah it's too much!!

brook lynne carter. said...

is the manicure too much? shit, heidi is too much. she would be nothing if it wasnt for LC, she definately benefited from being her friend-but i do think LC has changed lately, feeling herself, but that was bound to happen.

i believe i will subscribe to your blog because im conflicted with some of your posts, in a good way of course, lol.

Malcolm Maximillion said...

Chanel nails, eh? Too much money and time on her hands...

Unknown said...

I totally agree! She's tacky!